MIGW 2020 – Rolling Rainbows

Somehow, people keep inviting me to things! Crazy!

This time, it was for Melbourne International Games Week- touted as the Asia Pacific’s largest digital games celebration. (Not sure how they quantify that, but still, cool!)

The talk was moderated by Stevie Schafer, the person who keeps letting me go crazy with organising themed Oneshot days for the Melbourne Queer TTRPG group, and with me were people who were probably way more qualified than I to be speaking from a position of experience on Queer Spaces within the broader TTRPG space.

Stevie Schafer - https://www.melbqueerdnd.com/
Violette Francesca - https://twitter.com/cakelette_/
Alison Huang - https://drazillion.wordpress.com/
Luciella Scarlett - https://luciellaes.wordpress.com/

If you’re interested in watching the entirety of the panel, you can watch it here:

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